Patan Community Based Rehabilitation Organization, Shankhamul, Lalitpur, Nepal

+977 1 5268291


We are very happy to introduce you to second year program report on the project entitled “Promoting Right to Education and Protection of the most vulnerable children (PREP), 2021-2024 funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland through local partner Interpedia ry. The main objective of the program is to make all children regardless of their disability, sex, caste or religion enjoy their childhood in a safe, supportive, and inclusive environment.

This report describes you the activities carried out in the year 2022 by the project launched in two Rural Municipalities of southern parts of Lalitpur district Konjyosom and Mahankal. The program covers five wards of Konjyosom namely Chaughare Shankhu, Dalchowki, Nallu, Bhardeu, and 5 out of 6 wards of Mahankal, namely Bukhel, Manikhel, Gotikhel, Kaleshwor and Chandanpur.

It is the matter of pride to the project that advocacy and lobby has increased and some results have already been visible. Help desks for the persons with disabilities have been established in both the RMs of the project area. Also, frequency of parents of children, girls and dalits visit to schools have increased by 7 times in comparison to the base year. In almost all the schools teachers are using non-violence and non-discriminatory methods while teaching.

Sincere gratefulness is expressed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland for funding this project and also Interpedia ry for cooperating with us as a local Finnish cooperation partner. Also, gratitude is expressed to the entire team of the project, without their support, this project would not have been possible.

Last but not the least, great thanks to the community people local stakeholders such as teachers, families of children with disabilities, Local Advocacy and Monitoring Committees, saving groups, and others without support from whom this project would not have been possible.

Loonibhah Chitrakar
Executive Director
Patan CBR Organization

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