It is my great pleasure to present the last year report of Accountable and Inclusive Schools (AISP) Project, 2017-2020 supported by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland through the local finnish partner Interpedia ry, Finland. The target area of the project is five wards of southern parts of two rural municipalities Mahankal and Bagmati. The project made its intervention in four wards of Bagmati RM and one ward of Mahankal RM. The four wards from Bagmati RM are Malta ward no 2, Pyutar ward no 4, Asrang ward no 6 and Gimdi ward no 7 and one ward from Mahankal RM is Thuladurlung ward no 6. Main target group of the project was children with disabilities. And the main objective of the project was to bring the children with disabilities into the mainstream education by making positive change in the society.